
This is a list of our past, current and future projects.

Summer Music Series - Nov 2015 - March 2016

HiJinx has been asked to put together a series of open air concerts. Details to follow as soon as we've confirmed details with our client. Tickets will be available from Computicket & the gate!Summer Music Series.

SPCA Bag-A-Bargain Booksale - Ongoing

We're involved in securing donations of bags and books and also in sorting the books and publicising the sales.

1st Annual Cape Bike Expo - 15 March 2015

In 2015 we launched an event that aims to build good relations between the biking community and the the general public. We had a variety of stalls representing merchandise, motorcycle shops and clubs as well as food stalls, a shaded beer garden and live music.

15th Annual IPA Classic Car & Bike Show - 17 & 18 January 2015
This will be our 10th year of organising this show. What an amazing ride it's been so far and we're looking forward to many more years to come!
14th Annual IPA Classic Car & Bike Show - 18 & 19 January 2014
This was another hugely successful year for this fundraiser. With over 600 vehicles on display over the two days of the show and thousands of fans through the gate. The charity selected for this year was the Lucky Lucy Foundation.

3rd Annual Cape Town Bike Show - 3 March 2013
HiJinx has been working on this event. It is hard these days to find someone who has not been touched by substance abuse in some way, so, in memory of those that have passed, in support of those that are struggling to overcome their addiction and in celebration of those that are now sober, we have decided that the Cape Town Bike Show will be a call for "One Sober Sunday". Tickets will be available from Computicket & the gate!
13th Annual IPA Classic Car & Bike Show - 19 & 20 January 2013
The event has entered its teen years. It also represents our 8th year running the event. Once again, it was a huge success with an increase in both exhibitors and public attendance which represents a fantastic increase in funds raised for the

Appreciation Dinner - November 2012  
HiJinx was approached to organise a formal dinner in celebration of volunteers on a number of NPO Committees. This was a sit down event with table service. The event was a huge success and a great showcase of our skills.
Past Lives with Barrie St John - April 2012
Barrie St John is one of the top experts in Past Life Regression and we are proud to bring him to South Africa in April. Tickets can be purchased directly from us or via Computicket.
2nd Annual Cape Town Bike Show - 4 March 2012
The launch of the Cape Town Bike Show went smoothly and was well received by the local Biking Community. Following on suggestions from attendees, the event was moved to M4 arch 2012 to take full advantage of the Summer weather. As before, this event was a fundraiser in aid of the Living Way campus near Masiphumelele Township in Sunvalley. Funds raised will be used to further their education programmes, including their successful entrepreneurial skills developement courses!
12th Annual IPA Classic Car & Bike Show - 20 & 21 January 2012
Another awesome show this year. A number of new clubs on the books, the Auto Jumble was well attended and for the first time ever we had a professional DVD made of the show for sale in aid of charity. You can watch the trailer below.
There's big plans afoot for 2013!!
Car Show DVD trailer
11th Annual IPA Classic Car & Bike Show - 22 & 23 January 2011
It's the start of A New Decade for the IPA Classic Car & Bike Show.  Once again, we've included an auto jumble sale which will take place on both days and NEW this year... a motorcycle auto jumble sale on the Sunday.

There will only be disabled parking on-site this year, with parking for the public arranged at Timour Hall Primary School. There may even be a pony cart to take you to and from the venue... who knows!
1st Annual IPA Family Funday - 16 December 2010
HiJinx has been contracted to handle the organisation and publicity of this event in its entirety. This event is a fundraiser in aid of animal charities. There will be jumping castles, laser tag, horse and pony rides and a climbing wall amongst other things...
Joint IPA National Congress Langebaan - September 2011
HiJinx was approached to provide logistical support as well as all gifting consideration for delegates. Although the budget was tight, an amazing gift bag full of branded goodies and hand made items was provided to each delegate.
1st Annual Cape Town Bike Show - 12 December 2010
HiJinx has been contracted to handle the organisation and publicity of this event in its entirety. This event is a fundraiser in aid of the Living Way campus near Masiphumelele Township in Sunvalley.  Funds raised will be used to further their education programmes, including their successful entrepreneurial skills developement courses.
10th Anniversary IPA Classic Car & Bike Show - 23 & 24 January 2010
HiJinx has once again been contracted to handle the organisation and publicity of this event in its entirety. As this is the 10th Anniversary Show, it is expected that this event will be bigger and better than in previous years.
For further info, visit
A BIG difference is that in 2010, the Crankhandle Club AUTO JUMBLE SALE, which normally takes place in March, will be held in conjunction with the Car Show.  
10 Best of the Best Natural Therapies - September 2009
HiJinx once again organised a lecture tour on behalf of Barrie St John and Andrew Newton. Held in 5 cities over the course of a week, the course generated a lot of interest and positive feedback. It is expected that they will return in 2010 for further courses. HiJinx handles all logistics for these events from sourcing venues and accommodation within budget, to handing enquiries and bookings.  
Crankhandle Club Auto Jumble Sale - March 2009
HiJinx was once again contracted to the Crankhandle Club for the purpose of raising awareness of their event as well as aid in publicising the event through the media. We again undertook the responsibility of organising food stalls for this event.
This event was again held in aid of the Chaeli Campaign.
Advanced Course in Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy - March 2009
Following huge demand, HiJinx invited renowned Harley Street Therapist Barrie St John to come to South Africa to present an advanced course in Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. The course was run in only 2 cities, Cape Town & Johannesburg, but was well received and we look forward to hosting him again later in the year.  
Classic Car & Bike Show - 2009
HiJinx was again solely responsible for the co-ordination of this event, which took place over 2 full days. This year, we had representatives of more than 60 Car and Motorcycle Clubs.  There was a huge increase in attendance over 2008, with nearly 1500 more ticket sales at the gate.  The general feedback has been extremely good & we look forward to the 10 Year Anniversary Show in 2010. 
The selected Charity for 2009 is Tape Aids for the Blind.

Quantum-Touch Workshop September 2008
HiJinx has been contracted to assist in publicising a series of courses to be held in Cape Town, one a month, until the end of 2008. Although we are not handling the co-ordination of the courses, we would be happy to assist with further information where possible.
Management Workshops  September 2008
HiJinx has been contracted to co-ordinate a series of morning workshops on behalf of a client. These will take place in Cape Town only and the first one takes place on Friday, 12 September. 
Crash Course in Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy  July 2008
HiJinx took the innitiative to invite British Hypnotist Andrew Newton to visit South Africa for a series of Hypnosis courses, run in 3 cities over 3 weekends in July.  Highly anticipated and informative, these courses sold out quickly and were highly successful.  The feedback from participants was extremely positive and we look forward to hosting similar events in future.
Crankhandle Club Auto Jumble Sale  30 March 2008
HiJinx has been contracted to the Crankhandle Club for the purpose of raising awareness of their event as well as aid in publicising the event through the media. We also undertook the responsibility of organising food stalls for this event.
This event was held in aid of the Chaeli Campaign and through our efforts, we were able to increase participation from stall holders by a 1/3 and attendance from members of the public by more than 200 people.
We have already been approached with the possibility of assisting them in 2009.

Classic Car & Bike Show - 2008
HiJinx was solely responsible for the co-ordination of this event, which took place over 2 full days and featured representatives of more than 40 Car and Motorcycle Clubs.  There was a huge increase in attendance over 2007 and also in participation, with more clubs and individuals on display than ever before. 
The selected Charity for 2008 is The Burn Foundation SA.

Timour Hall Villa Dinner - 2007
HiJinx was responsible for the design and manufacture of all the event stationery. This process began with a simple concept for a hand made invitation as per the look which the client wanted to achieve. This design was presented and accepted by the client and formed the basis for the entire event.  All menu's, place cards and seating plans were made to the same design for a rounded over all effect. The table decor was simple and uncluttered, to allow the focus to be on the company and the excellent food.  

IPA National Youth Week - April 2007
This event was an educational tour to Cape Town for teenagers who are the children of members of the IPA. The theme was conservation and the event was co-ordinated by a management committee made up by members of the two participating IPA Regions.  As a member of the Western Cape Region, Jo was solely responsible for organising the 3 1/2 days that the 24 delegates (aged 15 - 17) were in Cape Town.  Areas of responsibility included:
- Planning of relevant visits with regards to the theme
- Securing discounts or sponsorships to cover costs of these visits
- Organising and co-ordinating chaperones for the week
- Arranging suitable transport
- Organising catering (3 meals per day) for the Cape Town portion of the week.
- Arranging donations from relevant companies for gift bags
- Designing event logo
- Arranging branded embroidered caps and t-shirts
Through our efforts, discounts and donations amounted to more than R30 000.

Classic Car & Bike Show - 2007
HiJinx was solely responsible for the planning and implementation of this event. Following on our experiences from 2006, a suggestion to expand the event was made to the client, who agreed to host the event over two full days for the first time ever. The extra day made it possible to involve even more clubs and for the first ever Saturday Show, the results were fantastic.  It is clear that this event will simply continue to go from strength to strength and we look forward to 2008.

Timour Hall Villa Dinner - 2006
HiJinx designed and hand crafted the event stationery, as well as the look for the room.  By working closely with the client, we were able to bring her creative vision to life and look forward to working with her on this event annually. Catering was handled by our prefered caterer and personalised embroidery of table linen was completed by our in-house contractor, BJ's Embroidery.  

Classic Car & Bike Show - 2006
Contracted to handle this event in October 2005, we worked against the clock to get everything ready in just 3 months. This annual 1 day event has been handled by the client for the past 5 years, but has reached a point where a dedicated organiser is required.  The event was a huge success, and we are already planning how to grow the event into the premier event of its type in Cape Town.     
First Annual MAWC Funday - 2005
HiJinx was contracted to organise the following elements of the overnight event. 
- sound stage, with equipment and DJ (sponsored) 
- alcohol stock on a sale and return basis
- advertising of the event
- co-ordinating deliveries and teams over the course of the event
The event was co-ordinated by a management committee made up of participating motorcycle clubs.

